Additional Banking Services
At Community Bank, we work for you, our customer, to provide several banking options. We understand that you want security and convenience for all your financial business. Our friendly staff can assist you with any questions you may have with the additional services Community Bank offers.

ATM Service
We offer ATM service in five convenient locations: Boco Station, Orangeville, IL; Winslow Office, Winslow, IL; Warren Office, Warren, IL and Lena Office, Lena, IL.
MasterCard Check Cards
Works just like writing a check only faster! Use it to make purchases anywhere MasterCard is accepted. (Personalization available upon approval)
Competitive Rates
Our financial strength allows us to be competitive with every other financial institution in the area on CDs, IRAs and Savings accounts.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Safe deposit boxes are available in all Community Bank locations. Good for heirlooms, documents, irreplaceable items and more.
Savings Bonds
While savings bonds can only be purchased online at Treasury Direct, we will continue to redeem your series E, EE, and I bonds. Be proactive by keeping track of your maturing bonds.
Secretary of State License Stickers
We offer license plate sticker renewals. Ask your branch for details.
Other Services
Wire Transfer, Notary Service, Statement Reconciliation, Direct Deposit & Automatic Payments, Overdraft Protection, Night Drop Facilities, Bank by Mail, Credit Card Cash Advances, Money Order, Cashiers Checks, and Gift Coins & Proof Sets.