Business Checking Accounts
Whether your business is small, big, or in-between size, you’re going to enjoy doing business with Community Bank.
- No minimum opening balance
- No monthly service charge or per item charge
- Checks are purchased by the customer
- Optional MasterCard Debit Card (upon approval)
- Optional Direct Deposit
- Optional Sweep/Transfer from savings account
- Optional Online Banking-Bill Pay and E-Statements

Business Venture Account
Earn competitive, tiered interest rates on the balance of your Venture Checking Account, while still enjoying all the flexibility of a regular checking account. The higher your balance, the more you will earn.
- No minimum opening balance
- No monthly service or per-item fees

- Checks purchased by the customer
- Interest is credited monthly-if you close the account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.
- Optional Overdraft Protection by sweeping from your savings account
- Optional Online Banking-Bill Pay and E-Statements
- Interest rate is tiered to allow you to earn more interest as your balance increases to the next level
- Interest is calculated by the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account each day